Basyş bişirijisinde makaron nädip bişirmeli

Peçiň üstünde makaron bişirmegiň nähili aňsatdygyny hemmämiz bilýäris, makaron gaýnadylanda köpüräk bolýar we her öý aşpezi gaýnandan soň aşpezlik karýerasynyň belli bir döwründe krahmal makaronyny arassalaýar.Basyş peçinde makaron bişireniňizde, gazanyň düýbündäki ýylylygy synlamak ýa-da gözegçilik etmek hökman däl.Basyş ojagynda çalt we gözegçiliksiz bişirýär.Mundan başga-da, makaronlary basyş peçinde göni sous bilen bişirip bilersiňiz, şonuň üçin reseptde goşmaça ädim ätmeli däl we arassalamak üçin goşmaça küýze ýasamaly däl, bu gün basyş bişirijisi DGTIANDA (BY-Y105) Elektrik basyşy.

Bu elektrik basyş bişirijisi, bir düwmä degeniňizde almausdan kartoşka salatyna çenli hemme zady ýasamaga mümkinçilik berýär we “Instant Pot” almausdan kartoşka salatyna çenli hemme zady ýasamaga mümkinçilik berýär.Hatda makaron üçin aşakdaky nahar reseptleri bilen hem ulanyp bilersiňiz.Diňe ingredientleri gazana guýuň we düwmä basyň.Bu tagam adaty ýa-da hakyky bolmasa-da, 30 minudyň içinde ajaýyp nahar iýmek isleseňiz ajaýyp.Derrew gazanyňyzda bu çalt makaron taýýarlamak üçin okaň.

How to Cook Pasta in a Pressure Cooker

Size näme gerek:
dessine gazana
8 unsi makaron
2 nahar çemçesi zeýtun ýagy
1/2 stakan dogralan sogan
2 çaý çemçesi dogralan sarymsak
1 funt hindi ýa-da sygyr eti
1 çaý çemçesi duz
2 çaý çemçesi italýan tagamy
1/4 çaý çemçesi ýer gara burç
2 stakan çorba ýa-da suw
24 unsi makaron sousy
14,5 oz pomidor kesilip bilner
1. Derrew gazana zeýtun ýagy we sogan goşuň."Sogan" edip sazlaň we 3 minut bişirmeli ýa-da hoşboý ysly bolýança bişirmeli.Ownuk sarymsak goşup, ýene 30 sekunt bişirmeli.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

2. grounder etini goşuň.Gyzylýança we gülgüne bolýança takmynan 5-7 minut bişirmeli.Eti agaç spatula bilen bişiriň.
Bişirilende dessine gazany öçüriň.Gerek bolsa ýagy döküň.
3. 1/2 stakan çorba ýa-da suw goşuň.Gazanyň düýbüni agaç çemçe ýa-da spatula bilen gyryň;bu etiň ýanmazlygy we gazana ýapyşmazlygy üçin kömek eder.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

4. Spagetti ýarym kesiň.Gazanyň içine goýuň we naharlary kesiş görnüşinde goýuň.Bu ýapyşmagy azaltmaga kömek eder.


5. Çorbanyň ýa-da suwuň galan bölegini, spagetti sousyny we konserwirlenen pomidorlary goşuň (suwuklyk bilen).Bu maddalary gazanyň ortasyna guýuň.Againene-de bu ýanmagy azaldar.

Naharlaryň köpüsi, hemmesi bolmasa, basyň we iýiň. Makaronlary garyşdyrmaň.


6. Gapagy ýapyň we klapan möhürläň."Basyş aşpezine" 8 minut düzüň.“Instant Pot” -yň dogry basyşa ýetmegi üçin takmynan 10 minut gerek, soň bolsa sanamaga başlar.
Derrew küýze gutarandan 8 minut soň seslener.Basyşy ýeňletmek üçin çalt çykmagy ulanyň.Derrew Pot çalt basyş akymyny çykarar, şonuň üçin ýüzüňiziň ýa-da elleriňiziň klapanyň golaýynda däldigine göz ýetiriň.


7. pressurehli basyşlar boşadylandan soň dessine gazany açyň.Spagetti akymly görünýär.bu adaty zat!Derrew gazany ýapyň.Makarony garmaly we 10 minut dynç alyň.Sowandan soň sous galyňlaşýar.


Ahyrynda makarony bir tabaga goýuň we iň soňky lezzetli pursatlardan lezzet alyň

Iş wagty: 17-2022-nji ýanwar